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What are metaclasses in Python?


In Python, metaclasses are a powerful and advanced feature that allows you to control the behavior of class creation. A metaclass is a part of a class. 

When you define a class in Python, the metaclass determines how that class is created, and it can be used to customize class creation at a higher level than regular class inheritance.

Here’s an example.

class MyMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): #Modify class attributes or behavior here dct['custom_attribute'] = 42 return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) class MyClass(metaclass=MyMeta): pass print(MyClass.custom_attribute) #Outputs: 42

In this example, MyMeta is a metaclass that subclasses the built-in type metaclass. It overrides the new method to customize the creation of classes. When MyClass is defined with metaclass=MyMeta, it undergoes customization defined by MyMeta.

Metaclasses are a powerful tool, but they are considered advanced and are not commonly needed in everyday Python programming. They are often used in frameworks, libraries, or advanced scenarios where deep customization of class behavior is necessary!

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