
Python Web Framework

What is Flask?

Flask, a web development framework, offers modules to create simple web apps in Python. It is built using the WSGI toolkit and the Jinja2 template engine. Flask is regarded as a micro framework.

WSGI is the specification for the common interface across the web server and web application. Jinja2 is a website template forum that renders dynamic & seamless website pages by merging a template using a particular data source.


Flask was invented in 2004 as an April Fool's prank by a programmer named Armin Ronacher. Nevertheless, it swiftly rose to prominence within the open-source community. This led to it being a well-liked open-source project and gaining an enormous fanbase, which it continues to maintain today.



Its lack of reliance on other libraries makes it a lightweight framework. It enables the creation of complicated applications for the web to get off to a quick start.

Integrated Unit Testing

Flask's integrated unit testing approach allows for quicker debugging, reliable development, and experimentation flexibility.


Flask allows the developer autonomous or total control when developing apps. You can play around with the framework's architecture and libraries.

Secure Cookies

Flask features secure cookies, a component of an HTTP request that makes channels safe and guarantees that only authorized parties may read text.

Flexible & Scalable

Flask supports WSGI templates, which give web applications versatility and scalability.


Flask is compatible with cutting-edge technology like cloud computing and machine learning.

Full Extensions

Flask has a variety of extensions that can be used to increase its functionality.

VueJs Package Components

WSGI:For the creation of Python web applications, the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) has become the de facto standard.
Werkzeug:Requests, response objects, and utility functions are all implemented by the WSGI toolkit known as Werkzeug. On top of it may now be created a web frame.
jinja2:A well-liked Python template engine is jinja2. A web template solution combines a template with a specific data source to produce a dynamic online page.

Use Cases

Building portfolio and commercial websites
Developing innovative Machine learning models
Creating online scheduling applications
Developing standard content sites
Building scalable apps for social media networks, eCommerce systems, and more
Building REST APIs
Creating interactive chatbots
Developing blogging and weather apps
creating feedback forms

Next steps for Flask development with MarsDevs

Our team of Python professionals at MarsDevs uses Flask to create websites and customized apps for clients ranging from startups to large corporations. Using Flask, we can create bespoke apps or microservices for you. 

With its rapid setup time and inherent scalability and security, Flask is the ideal framework for the job in various circumstances. If you want a new bespoke website, please contact us, as we have a lot of expertise utilizing Flask to design websites.

Build a rich web page with Flask, leveraging all the state-of-the-art tools with MarsDevs!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is special about Flask?

AngularJS is a dynamic web app structure framework. It allows you to utilise HTML as your template language and enhance HTML syntax to represent the components of your application simply and concisely.

What is the main of Flask?

Many developers choose to start using Flask since it is more autonomous, flexible & straightforward when creating web apps using Python. Uber, Netflix, Mozilla, MIT, Airbnb, and Lyft are a few businesses that use Flask.

Is Flask a frontend or backend?

Flask is a back-end framework. Thus rather than focusing on the appearance or style of the web app, it offers the technologies, resources, and modules that can be used to create the real functionality of the web app.