Security Challenges in IoT-Enabled Software Apps

Published on:
June 21, 2024

In business meetings, the Internet of Things is celebrated as a game-changer when data security concerns are often raised. IoT offers fresh approaches to increase organizational effectiveness and capitalize on insightful data but introduces unsettling new security flaws.

A report claims that 96% of the firms polled have certain challenges protecting their IoT and connected devices. However, 89% of respondents claim that cyberattacks costing an average of $250k have affected their company's IoT and linked products.

Is your company ready to take on the difficulties posed by IoT security? If not, IoT-related security breaches and disruptions can lead to operational disruptions, damage customer confidence, and even harm your business's reputation. This MarsDevs article covers the security challenges in IoT software applications. Let’s get started!

IoT security is a must - What do companies believe?

IoT security is a must - What do companies believe?

Why is IoT security a priority? 

Because preventing data breaches and unauthorized access is the aim - Protecting sensitive user data is crucial in industries like healthcare. All aspects of protection must be addressed to have strong IoT security.

The potential for cyberattacks is one of the main worries. Your IoT devices are targets for hackers. It can enable them to access your network or data without authorization. cause financial losses, reputational harm, and data breaches. IoT device nature magnifies the impact of any security breach because a compromise in one device can disrupt the entire ecosystem.

IoT security neglect also hurts regulatory compliance. It may differ based on your industry and the kind of data you handle. However, it particularly relates to medicine. There may be certain privacy and data protection laws that apply to you. If these conditions are not met, you’ll be fined, legal repercussions, and a decline in customer confidence.

As experts believe, “IoT security should include more than just the IoT device itself. IoT systems have a basic level of security with numerous drawbacks. Many feel that IoT manufacturers are not prioritizing security and privacy. Despite the security hurdles, there is no stoppage to IoT popularity. Hence, security practitioners and users must enhance their security.” 

Enforcing security proactively not only assists you in fulfilling compliance requirements. It also shows how dedicated you are to protecting user information.

Biggest Security Challenges That Firms Face

There were just 32 million IoT cyberattack occurrences worldwide in 2018, but by 2022, there were 112 million. The frequency of weekly attacks on IoT devices rose by 41% by 2023 compared to 2022. 

When creating IoT solutions, putting cybersecurity last can be expensive and crucial for both your users and your products. You must be completely informed of any possible IoT security concerns to guarantee the security of linked systems. Here are the biggest of them.

Biggest Security Challenges That Firms Face
  1. Weak Authentication

Weak or non-existent authentication is one of the biggest problems facing IoT. Since many IoT devices have shoddy security, they are open to hacking.The solution? Ensuring that only authorized users have access to the device can be achieved through using robust authentication techniques, such as two-factor authentication.Additionally, ensuring that every device on the network is securely interacting can be aided via a secure gateway. Furthermore, utilizing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) might assist in guaranteeing the authenticity of every gadget connected to the network.

  1. Lack of Encryption

Since most IoT device network communication is unencrypted, private and sensitive information is susceptible to ransomware attacks and other types of malware attacks, data breaches, and theft. This includes printers, security cameras & Internet of Things (IoT) devices used for patient monitoring and medical imaging.What solutions exist?

Robust encryption algorithms: The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a noteworthy option due to its effectiveness and security. Because of its key expansion procedure, AES is a robust approach that uses 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit keys. It is regarded as the most powerful encryption technique.

End-to-end encryption (E2EE): It encrypts your data on your device and decrypts it only at the point of destination, protecting it. This implies that no one in the middle—the internet or a service provider—can alter your information. 

Secure encryption procedures: Under some conditions, information sharing is permitted under security protocols. These situations include key agreements, entity authentication, and secret sharing protocols. Secure protocols such as Secure Shell (SSH) & Transport Layer Security (TLS) can be used. 

  1. Vulnerabilities in Firmware and Software

Without processing power for security features in IoT systems, it raises security issues. IoT security issues can be caused by several things, such as inadequate access control, little funding for firmware security testing and improvement, infrequent patches and updates, users who don't upgrade their devices, and insufficient defense against physical attacks during assembly. 

These vulnerabilities allow malicious actors to infiltrate networks, spread malware, and steal sensitive information. As experts say, “IoT devices have short development cycles and cheap price points, which restrict the amount of money available for creating and testing secure firmware.” 

Without inherent security features, IoT devices are susceptible to even the most basic types of attacks. Standard component vulnerabilities impact millions of devices, affecting firmware, software, and third-party apps.

Furthermore, software for IoT devices & susceptible web apps might affect network infrastructures. Without IoT security, these flaws make IoT devices attractive targets for cunning bad actors to stage cyberattacks, regardless of whether it is a new threat or outdated malware.

  1. Inadequate Data Protection

IoT devices generate and gather a lot of data, which makes them subject to attacks. As a result, inadequate data protection is a major security concern. Financial data, private information, and other sensitive data are all included. This data could end up in the wrong hands and be used maliciously when unprotected.

The solutions? Encrypting data can ensure that only authorized people can access it and that it is safe from attackers. This can involve encrypting data in transit and at rest using safe encryption techniques like RSA or AES.

Maintaining up-to-date software and doing routine security reviews of devices can further contribute to data protection. This includes keeping an eye on the whereabouts of the devices, doing routine security audits, and ensuring the devices have the most recent security patches installed.

Ensuring that only individuals with permission can access the data is another benefit of access restrictions in place. Ensure that only authorized users can access the data, this can involve implementing multi-factor authentication, role-based access controls, and other security procedures.

  1. Lack of Standardization

The lack of standards in IoT poses a significant security concern. It is challenging to guarantee compatibility and interoperability because of various distinct devices, protocols, and platforms. This can end up in vulnerabilities that hackers can take advantage of.

Due to the inadequate status of IoT security, device owners & others are impacted. IoT devices can launch attacks against other systems, allow unwanted access, or leak data.

What actions can you take?

Ensuring compatibility and interoperability among IoT devices, protocols, and platforms can be facilitated by creating & implementing industry standards. This can involve communication protocols, data privacy, and device security standards.

IoT platforms and devices can assist in guaranteeing that they adhere to security standards by getting certified. This may increase an organization's trust in the security of the devices they use and assist in identifying those that might be more vulnerable to attack.

Ensuring that every device on the network is securely interacting can be achieved in part by utilizing a secure gateway. A secure gateway, for instance, can be used to authenticate devices, encrypt communications, and monitor network traffic for unusual activities. This can lower the possibility of attacks and improve the network's general security.

What actions can you take?

Wrapping Up

The impact of computers and networked Internet of Things devices on our everyday lives is evident in this technologically advanced environment. These devices can communicate simply and store critical data, but they pose serious security dangers. 

Going from risk to resilience is possible if one recognizes these obstacles and knows the available alternatives. By taking preventative action, you can deter hackers and bad actors. Furthermore, you can protect the integrity of your linked devices. 

To guarantee confidentiality, integrity, and availability, you must provide a framework for identifying and assessing security risks within the Internet of Things.

Need to tap into the power of IoT security? Reach out to MarsDevs.


  1. What is the application of IoT in security?

The technical area devoted to protecting linked devices and networks in the Internet of Things is known as IoT security. IoT refers to integrating internet connectivity into a network of interconnected computers, digital and mechanical devices, objects, people, and animals.

  1. What is IoT security?

IoT security is built on a best-practice cybersecurity approach to fend off cyberattacks on unsecured IoT devices and the weak networks they link to.

  1. Why is IoT security a priority?

IoT devices lack inherent security, hence IoT security is necessary to avoid data breaches. When IoT devices connect to networks and send unencrypted data over the internet, they go unnoticed by traditional cybersecurity solutions.

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