Python in Game Development

Published on:
February 26, 2024

One of the most widespread reasons for students to enroll in coding lessons for kids is their passion for game development.

And why not? The gaming industry is expected to reach 285 billion US dollars in 2027, which is only likely to rise over time. Without question, the game industry provides viable work prospects for youngsters interested in coding.

However, games can be developed in various programming languages, making it difficult to know where to begin. Enters Python! Python is an excellent starting point for game development due to its simple syntax, a wide range of useful code libraries, and its use in several notable games. 

As developers exclaim, “One of the regions where Python’s familiarity is on high will be the game development. However, many aspiring game developers wonder if Python is the right tool for gaming projects.” In this MarsDevs article, let’s dive deeply into Python's impact on game development! So, let’s get started!

Python Is Good For Game Development- Is It True?

Python Is Good For Game Development- Is It True?

Python is a potential choice for game development, especially for certain sorts of games and creators with certain objectives. Its benefits include simplicity, readability, and broad library support, making it an ideal language for developing 2D games, prototypes, and indie projects. 

Python's beginner-friendly syntax and available materials make it an appealing choice for those new to game creation. However, Python has performance limits compared to languages such as C++ or C#, which might hinder the production of graphically intensive or very complicated 3D games. 

While optimization is possible, there may be better alternatives to Python for such projects. Python is suitable for game development when the project corresponds with its strengths, which include 2D games, casual games, and rapid prototyping. 

It offers an accessible starting point for game production and is used by developers looking for a blend of ease of use and game-building capabilities.

The Python Advantage in Game Development

The Python Advantage in Game Development

Python is a general-purpose programming language that developers widely use. Python has an easy learning curve that makes it suitable for beginners. Why else is it good for game development?

Rapid Development

Python's syntax is simple and intuitive, making it an excellent choice for novices and experienced developers. This ease of learning enables game makers to prototype and iterate their concepts swiftly. Python's succinct code can save substantial development time compared to other languages.

Large and Supportive Community

Python has a large and active developer community that contributes to a diverse set of libraries and frameworks. Libraries for game development include Pygame, Panda3D, and Godot, which provide various tools and resources to help you with your project.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Python's cross-platform interoperability allows you to create games that work on various operating platforms with few code changes. This versatility enables you to reach a larger audience.

Integration with Other Languages

Python can easily be combined with other programming languages, such as C++ and C#, for performance-critical areas of your game. Use the strengths of these languages when needed while benefiting from Python's development features for the rest of your project.

AI Integration

Python's compatibility with prominent machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, and Theano makes it a powerful tool for smoothly incorporating AI capabilities into game development. This advantage is critical in improving gameplay and involvement, elevating the gaming experience to new levels.

Python's AI integration capabilities enable game creators to create intelligent behaviors, adaptive NPCs (non-player characters), and dynamic surroundings. These libraries enable developers to construct AI-driven opponents, realistic decision-making, and adaptive game mechanisms that respond to player actions.

Popular Games Made with Python

Learning why Python helps develop games is great, but seeing how those benefits have been applied in the real world is even better. While many companies use Python for experimentation, many excellent games incorporate Python as an intrinsic design element. Here are a few fan favorites.

EVE Online

For those unfamiliar, EVE Online is a space-based MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) focusing on the "massive." Players in the EVE universe can participate in trade-based games such as mining, manufacturing, and a player-driven market, or they can concentrate on exploration, conflict, and even piracy! 

This game relies significantly on Stackless Python, a Python clone. 

Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2 is an excellent example of a game made by a major gaming business that requires Python to function. It was a major first-person shooter game set in a fictional world war. It is an outdated game that no longer has operating multiplayer servers. However, Python programming powered much of the game's functionality.

Frets on Fire

Frets on Fire is an open-source music video game akin to Guitar Hero. The primary goal is to time a particular button press to the action on the screen to play music. This game was created in Python and is an excellent example of what the language is capable of. The game is released as free software under the GNU license, and you can access the source code on Sourceforge. 

Best Python Game Engines To Know

Best Python Game Engines To Know

Are you ready to try Python? 

The first step in creating a Python-based game is determining which engine to employ. Game engines provide a software foundation for creating and running video games and frequently contain development tools. 

There are multiple gaming engines, so it takes a lot of work. Because each one does certain tasks better or worse than others, picking the correct engine is an important component of creating games with Python. Here are some of the greatest solutions for the most prevalent development issues. 

PyGame (for 2D games)

PyGame is a one-stop shop for all the tools required to create a 2D game in Python. It is a low-level graphics library based on the open-source SDL 2D graphics library. 

It is not the platform for creating complicated, graphics-intensive games but ideal for developing a simple Python game. As developers write, “This library is superior to C language, Python language, Native and OpenGL. “

Panda3D (for 3D games)

Panda3D is the graphics engine used in Disney's ToonTown, demonstrating that it is an excellent choice for creating a three-dimensional game with Python. Panda3D's core is designed in C++ to increase efficiency, but most APIs can be accessed via a Python interface, allowing you to create a whole 3D game with Python scripting!   


Cocos is a Python framework for creating video games, programs, laptop code packages, and unique cross-platform graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It is a thin layer of platform dependency that may carry together video games and functions using laptop computer code packages.

Is Python Game Development Worth It?

Yes, Python game development is worthwhile for many programmers. Python's ease of use, readability, and extensive library ecosystem make it ideal for developing 2D games, prototypes, and indie projects. It's very useful for beginners in game production because it provides an easy entrance point into the world of game design.

However, for high-performance, graphically intense, or complicated 3D games, languages such as C++ or C# may provide better-optimized solutions. 

Nonetheless, Python is still a crucial tool in a game developer's toolset, and its adaptability enables creators to bring their unique game concepts to reality quickly. The scope of your project determines the value of Python, your level of experience, and your specific game development goals.

Want to build a game with Python? Contact us at MarsDevs, and we will be happy to help you.


  1. Can Python be used for 2D & 3D Game Development?

Yes, Python is suitable for both 2D and 3D game creation. Some Python modules and frameworks, such as Pygame, Panda3D, and Ursina, support 2D and 3D games.

  1. Is Python suitable for beginners in Game Development?

Python is frequently recommended for starting game development due to its simple syntax and extensive library of materials and courses. Python's simplicity enables newbies to concentrate on game theory and design without becoming bogged down in sophisticated code.

  1. What game types are best suited for Python Development?

Python is ideal for 2D games, puzzle games, casual games, and independent ventures. It's also ideal for prototyping and rapid development. While 3D games are conceivable in Python, they may necessitate additional optimization and performance tuning.

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