The programming world is a highly fast-paced and ever-changing environment. Both the Java environment and the Java community are expanding and evolving.
Do you want to know if you should study Java in 2023? The answer is simple: yes. Java's use as a programming language grows once the world moves toward mobile-based applications at ease. Being the most powerful language, Java has ranked 3rd among recruiters in the past two years.
Java is an excellent programming language for novice and professional programmers, leading many individuals seeking to write in Java. But how can you start your learning? To help you out, we have brought a MarsDevs guide to begin your Java journey. So, let’s get started!
Even as additional programming languages emerge, Java is gaining popularity year after year. From 2017 through 2020, Java remained the top language for employment demand in the United States and Europe until 2022, when it was only surpassed by Python.
So, what keeps it popular after 28 years of its invention?
Java is a powerful, statically typed, safe, class-based programming language that has long dominated the web. Java is used in every industry, including retail, banking, healthcare, and logistics. It is adaptable and compatible with mobile, desktop, online apps, games, web servers, application servers, database connections, client-side validations, etc.
As Steve Zara, a developer for over 40+ years, explains - “There is no sign of a reduction in Java usage. Instead, it’s a developing language which uniquely merges stability with innovation.”
In terms of programming languages, Java is a basic one to learn. However, it is still difficult. Even understanding the fundamentals of Java takes time, and it will take a lot of effort and dedication before you learn how to code in Java efficiently.
So, let’s start with its features first.
The key feature of Java is its platform independence. Because of the Java Virtual Machine, programmers who build software on one platform can use it on any platform or operating system, independent of underlying configuration.
In other words, Java adheres to the WORA rule, which stands for Write Once Run Anywhere. What else?
Dynamic - Java is a dynamic programming language. It denotes that classes are saved as required. It supports functions written in its native languages, C and C++.
Many current programming languages have descended from Java since its initial release in 1995, including Python, Scala, JavaScript, and PHP. Undoubtedly, Java has remained one of the most widely taught programming languages.
Java is now available in four editions:
Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) - This creates large-scale applications.
Java is a popular and well-known programming language. It can be utilized to build desktop and mobile apps, huge data processing, backend development, and programming embedded devices, among other things.
But why choose Java for the backend?
Simplicity - Java syntax is generally simple, making building, learning, maintaining, and comprehending code easier.
Java and Node.js are both prominent server-side programming languages. But how is Java suited for the backend? Java can be a statically typed language that can perform well. It also offers enhanced security features, such as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) with memory protection & isolation.
Node.js is known for being a dynamically typed language, which is easier & more adaptable. In contrast to Java, Node.js provides weaker type checking, which might lead to unexpected failures. Node.js also has a single-threaded design, making it less suitable for multi-threaded applications than Java. Java excels in large-scale and complicated systems, but Node.js excels at scalable, reality applications.
Learning Java can make you for various potential clients in the business. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs for Java developers is predicted to grow by 25% between 2021 and 2031, with an average of 162,900 job opportunities available yearly.
As Swarnim Srivastava, a Java enthusiast, says, “Java is not going anywhere. Java has been around for two decades and is still going strong…..If Google can choose Java for Android app development, you know it’s doing well. They got faith in Java.”
Learning When compared to other languages, Java offers several benefits. Java allows you to execute any operation since it has a large library and plugins. Java is platform-independent at the source and binary levels, implying that the code you compile once may be used elsewhere. Because Java is object-oriented, the code is divided into distinct modules, making it reusable and bug-free.
Also, Java has a strong community. With almost 2.4 million GitHub projects connected with Java and 133,000 active Java developers, Java has the most active repositories & developers of any programming language.
According to the TIOBE Index, Java is the third most searched programming language, reflecting its widespread popularity and use.
Because Java and JavaScript have similar names, many new developers frequently mix them up. However, they are 2 separate languages.
That is, they are not directly related. They both contain the term "Java" in their titles, but each has its syntax, plugins, frameworks, etc. Java is a compiling language, meaning compilers transform it into machine code. On the other hand, JavaScript is an interpreted scripting language that converts it into machine code when executed.
It is what a Java code looks like.
It is what a JavaScript code looks like.
Java and JavaScript are also used in distinct ways. Java is mostly used for server-side programming, whereas JavaScript is used for client-side applications.
So, we have learned about Java basics. So, now let’s move to how a Java environment is set up.
To set up the Java environment, you must install JDK (Java Development Kit) and JRE (Java Runtime Engine). JDK and JRE can be downloaded from the Oracle website for any platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, and so on). It's quite easy to follow the installation guides on the display.
After installation, you must configure your workstation's environment variables (PATH). The path is where JDK and JRE are installed (most likely C:\Program Files).
The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a tool that allows you to develop Java code from your desktop. It includes several tools that are quite useful for writing, executing, and optimizing Java code. It may be used with tools like the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) to make coding easier.
Next comes the IDE. To focus more on the coding part, utilizing an IDE for simple development, building, and testing is essential. The IDE helps you follow best practices in programming by prompting compilation (and occasionally runtime) issues, making suggestions, generating standard code, adding comments, and more.
When you use an IDE, it is also easy to import and include libraries in your workspace. The following are some popular Java IDEs:
If you do not want to install an IDE on your PC for personal reasons, you can use an online compiler to set up the Java environment.
Apart from that, you also need to learn some Java frameworks. Every Java backend framework has its unique set of features and functionalities. Here are some popular examples:
Struts - Apache Struts is a Java Enterprise Edition web application framework that is free and open source.
Java is simple to learn and requires little time to grasp the basics. You can begin practicing once you have mastered the fundamentals. Let’s start with your first Java Program if you already have the IDE installed.
Try out this program -
And the desired output will be displayed.
So, what parameters are used in this program? Let’s take a look.
Command line arguments are represented as String[] args or String args[].
What else to learn? As Rashi Pathak, Global Ambassador at WomenTech Network, says - “ If you’re thorough with any of the programming languages like C, C++, etc. from before, then learning Java is just a cakewalk.”
However, if you are a beginner, you have a lot to learn. Here is a sequence to follow to learn more about Java development.
To achieve your goals, you will need various tools as well. Here are some tools to help you learn Java.
Apart from these, follow recent Java news and resources from portals like Javaworld, Java Code Geeks, DZone, and Javarevisited.
So, what are you holding out for? You now understand everything there is to know about learning to code in Java. Although it is a reasonably easy language (when compared to C or C#), it will still take a significant amount of time and effort to become skilled in building even basic Java programs.
Use online resources, devote a certain amount of time to your study each week, and ensure that you practice writing programs. Learn Java syntax, network with other students, and, most importantly, never stop learning!
And if you need any help with your projects, MarsDevs is here to help. MarsDevs is your one-stop shop for all tech needs. So, reach out to us anytime!
A developer who works with Java is a back-end developer specializing in creating Java applications.
Yes, working as a Java developer is a rewarding profession. Despite competition from new coding languages, most developers code in Java. As a result, becoming a Java developer is still a rewarding professional path.
The standard edition is the foundation of the Java programming platform. It contains all the fundamental libraries and APIs that any Java programmer should know.
Java is an object-oriented, network-based, multi-platform programming language that is the sole platform. It's a secure, quick & stable programming language that can be used to build everything from mobile apps and company software to big data apps and server-side technologies.
Java, unlike some coding languages, is not difficult to master. The language is easy to learn, according to the creators. Its syntax is easy, making it simple to understand, build, and maintain.