Latest Web Design Trends & Ideas for 2024 – What Is Coming Your Way?

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May 31, 2024

Web design is more than just making pages seem good these days. Instead, it's all about building experiences that resonate, captivate & motivate. With new technology always being created and user behavior and interaction garnering more attention, the trends of 2024 are predicted to alter our concept of digital aesthetics and utility.

But don't allow these trends to change your design or build. As Felix Lee exclaims, “Always let your intentions pave the way for your design, and then let the trends follow. Also, most people may skip the initial stage due to the shiny object syndrome.”

While it isn’t necessary to completely abandon what you're doing and follow them, it can assist us in knowing current trends and what appeals to today's audience. In this MarsDevs article check out what web design has in store for 2024. So, let’s get started!

AI and Metaverse Becoming Mainstream

You've heard of artificial intelligence (AI), but be ready for AI with style. It no longer needs human intervention to create art because it has reached a level of advancement. 

As experts depict, “AI can transform how design is consumed & how designers operate. We are already witnessing tons of AI tools to assist the entire workflow of aesthetic designs, whether you’re solo or on a team. AI is assisting designers to be extremely creative.”

As if that weren't enough, the Metaverse has emerged. Virtual reality, or VR, is the newest thing since sliced bread and is no longer the new kid on the block. Web design is becoming a crazy virtual carnival due to designers taking everything in.

Imagine visiting websites that completely engross you and cause you to lose track of time between the real and digital worlds. We may all be looking for greater escape even though the economics of the world may be in a recession.

In the middle of all of this, we live in "The Big Flat Now," a time when smartphones and the internet are ubiquitous. Thus, web design will be as erratic as the weather during a global creative jam session. We are engrossed in this digital free-for-all & we’re loving every minute of it!

Behold the Titans - What’s in the hype in 2024?

In the field of web design, innovation is key to driving the creation of a more intelligent, immersive, and interactive digital future. Building stunning, useful, and user-friendly websites is easier for designers, developers, and companies when they are aware of (and make use of) these trends. 

So, what’s coming your way?

1. Cinematic Scrolling

This modern trend incorporates usual cinematographic approaches like extended tracking shots, 3D rotations, slow-mo zooms & full-screen visuals. Even while these fantastical scenes are incredibly absorbing, they also accept the manufactured quality of the internet. 

Unlike a movie theater, the website gives the impression that a visionary has meticulously created it. As Adi Huri explains, “Cinematic scroll, or as I like to call it, inspiring visual scrolly-telling, is the latest trend in the scroll effects arena, and is a great way to tell a compelling story that supports your brand and keeps your visitors WOWed.”

This trend is a larger budget, and 3D product animations are its primary goal. This approach is helpful for companies whose products are high-tech or unique since it adds drama to the product and makes us curious about what will happen next, much like a mysterious movie teaser.

2. Skeuomorphism


To provide a recognizable and easy-to-use user experience, web designers strive to create skeuomorphic features & that resemble their real-world equivalents in appearance, feel, and functionality. User-friendliness increases with its ability to enable users to grasp how to interact with different parts.

Beyond simple nostalgia, skeuomorphism's comeback is an emotional reaction against our daily lives due to excessive digitization. Users are becoming more attracted to designs that resemble the pre-digital world because so much of our lives take place in a virtual environment. 

Certain features, including navigation menus & CTA buttons, feel more natural & intuitive due to skeuomorphism. It’s all about recognizable non-digital elements like switches, dials & buttons.  

3. Kinetic Typography

Kinetic typography is the term for animated text to grab the reader's attention and dynamically communicate ideas. With this tendency, language is no longer only a means of communicating ideas; it becomes an aesthetically appealing element. 

Online design aesthetics are expected to shift due to kinetic typography transforming websites from informative to immersive experiences. This is caused by several things, such as the growing availability of user-friendly design tools and a cultural shift toward more vibrant, dynamic content.

By 2024, kinetic typography should become a more dynamic element that responds to user interaction and combines with other design elements to create a smooth user experience. It will be essential for designs that are driven by narrative, especially for landing pages and campaigns.

4. Microinteractions


Microinteractions are little interactive elements on a website that respond to user input, like clicking or dragging the cursor over a button. Even though these exchanges are usually small, they greatly improve intuitiveness and user engagement. 

Microinteractions will progress beyond visual input. As these interactions become more personalized and context-aware based on user behavior and choices, expect an increasingly engaging experience.

As Gabi Robins says, “Next year, I imagine we may witness simplified designs and animations, creating more subtle memories. It can be a minimalist way to interact. Most people are tired of super-animated websites & this move can enhance user accessibility.”

Recently, consumers have found websites laggy and unworkable due to excessive animation and interactivity. Microinteractions can mitigate that by introducing engaging and significant user interactions that complement rather than overwhelm the website's content and design.

5. Digital Glitch

Digital Glitch

Retro fashion never goes out of style in this quickly developing internet era. Web designers are bringing back machine errors for 2024, evocative of a time when technology was less sophisticated and analogous. 

This movement is a development of the 90s website renaissance from the previous year, where designers welcomed the early internet's lack of regulations. However, 2024's glitch trend looks ahead to the future making it particularly popular with AI, bitcoin, and other software firms. 

It does this by paying homage to the past with elements, like VHS screen tears, cyberpunk neons, and digital clock typefaces. The amazing technology that goes into glitch design—the website is skillfully animated to look to be breaking—has a lot to do with its futuristic aesthetic. 

This tech also rejects the grid-based order for websites that don't mind getting untidy, which is a post-design ethos. Although a technological collapse trend may easily descend into a dystopian nightmare, there is solace in sites that celebrate ruin and find beauty in imperfections.

6. Monochrome

Monochrome is a word for monotony in daily life. However, monochrome design takes a bold leap. Like with any minimalist approach, fewer elements equal less opportunity for creative mishap. A well-executed monochromatic color scheme maximizes color impact while minimizing distractions.

For brands who wish to highlight important branding statements or have heavily text-based websites, monochrome layouts are becoming popular. 2024's monochromes are far more than basic grayscale; they span from serene neutrals to vibrant hues like crimson. Achieving strong contrast will help the main message stand out. 

As experts portray, “We know black & white monochromatic minimalism in sites, but we’ll start seeing this less-is-more trend with colors. By removing noisy design layers & focusing on seamless bold designs with a monochromatic color palette, users can hone in on the essence of the content.”

Although it's not the most technologically advanced trend, monochromatic is a useful strategy for budget-conscious firms, as any website can be brought to life with just a bold color and tasteful font.

Ready for the 2024 trends?

The goal of digital design in the future is to create visually stunning, intuitive, and meaningful experiences. We look forward to seeing how the web and design can progress, whether you incorporate all six trends into your 2024 projects or wait patiently to see which trends become web design mainstays before implementing them into your constructions.

With MarsDevs, putting these web design concepts into practice is a breeze. A practical and user-friendly website can be easily created with the help of our talented and adaptable developers. Want to jump into the latest web design trends? 

Contact us at MarsDevs & we would be happy to assist you with your website interface! 


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